Persistence Pays Off

Today, I had a wonderful massage. This is huge for me. Usually, they are so painful that I want to cry. But, today, it was great. At the end, when I was relaxing for a few minutes, all I could do was thank God. 

Twenty-three days ago (yes, I’m counting), I started a new workout plan. Well, let me back up a little. Months ago, I cancelled my gym membership and decided to workout at home using Beachbody on Demand. I was hesitant about the process and even had a little resistance. I had been exercising at the gym for three years and doing something totally different scared me. All in the same, I knew it was the right step for me. My new workout program, Core de Force, is working for me. By exercising at home I can get my workout in at 6:00 a.m. before I get started on my day.

When I first started, the punching and upper body moves made my condition worse. The first few days, my ribs came out of place. At that point, I wanted to quit, but I talked to my doctor about it and he encouraged me to keep trying. He really thought it would help me in the long run. 

This is the first time in my life that I have exercised for twenty-three days straight. And it has made such a difference in how I feel. I’m so thankful that I didn’t give up. Pushing through pain, the early morning workouts, and my determination to be well are paying off. 

Just because other programs haven’t worked for you in the past doesn’t mean that your soulmate workout isn’t out there. You just haven’t found it yet. I can help you. Send me a message at and we will talk. 

Love and blessings, 


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