What Are You Grateful For?

As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart shifts toward the grateful mindset. While I could write pages about my blessings, I could never fully explain how grateful I am to be saved by God’s amazing grace. It is the greatest gift ever  known to man.

The peace that fills my soul is priceless and yet it can’t be bought. Regardless of what I do wrong, my God still loves me. Even when I mess up and disappoint Him, He still loves me. When I’m afraid, He is my comforter. When I’m too weak to walk on my own, He carries me. He is my protector, my rock, my strength and a wonderful Savior. He always has exactly what I need. I’m so humbled and grateful to be His child. 

It is because of my Lord that I have everything in my life. He’s so good to me. I have a home waiting on me in Heaven that’s not made with hands. One of these days, I’ll be with my Lord forever. What a day that will be!

Until then, I’m going to praise His sweet name and do my best to live for Him. 

Psalm 100:4-5 KJV 
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

What are you the most grateful for in your life right now? 

Love and blessings, 


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