Will you do whatever it takes?
- By candidasullivan
- August 21, 2024
- No Comments
Do something today that your future self will thank you for doing.
Sometimes, we make choices in our lives as if we have no consequences. Just because we can’t see the results of our actions right now doesn’t mean they are not affecting us in some way. Our actions compound over time. Therefore, if we continuously choose to do things that harm our bodies, then they will eventually reach the point where they start screaming in pain.
I am so thankful that I decided to make changes in my life. For a while, the pain was so bad that I alternated between Tylenol and ibuprofen throughout my day. I remember watching the clock and being relieved when it was time for my medicine. But I knew in my heart if I continued on that schedule, eventually, it would cause more harm to my body. Lying in bed, in so much pain I couldn’t sleep, I knew that I needed to make changes in my life, or the pain would continue. It was in my sickbed that I committed to myself to get better. I decided to do whatever it took to heal my body.
It took a strict diet and exercise. I had to sacrifice what I wanted in the present moment for what I wanted in the future. Therefore, I had to eat fruits and vegetables instead of donuts and cookies. It was hard. Sometimes, I cried.
When it became unbearable, I remembered why I chose not to eat certain foods. I replaced all the wrong choices with good ones. I stopped eating foods that harmed my body, stopped taking medicine, and replaced it with a natural alternative. It took several months for the swelling to go down in my body and for the pain to subside. But when I started seeing progress, I was so grateful that I had decided to change.
Today, I want to make choices from which my future self will benefit. I don’t want to sabotage myself. So, I exercise even when I don’t feel like it. I eat the salad when I really want a burger and fries. I sit down and write when I really want to sleep in. Because I know that my actions today will create my future. Therefore, I am committed to being the best version of myself every day and trying my best to make decisions for which my future self will thank me.

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