The View From The Top
- By candidasullivan
- October 14, 2017
- No Comments
I almost didn’t go. Some of the girls in my fitness group had planned a hike. A nine-mile hike, mostly uphill to be exact. It seemed so fun and I was excited to go. Then, this week my rib come out of alignment again and my IT band was inflamed. At one point, I had pretty much talked myself out of it. The feeling of giving up, without even trying, however, did not sit well with me. It reminded me of why I started my fitness journey in the first place. I wanted to be well enough to go on hikes and live my life the way I wanted to live.
Of all the great things that I’ve been blessed to do in my life, they have all been despite my circumstances. My condition is chronic. It’s not like I can wait to get better. In all honesty, I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve been much worse than I am now.
Today is the day to do the things we want to do. Tomorrow may not come. I may not ever get better than I am right now. I don’t want to be denied the chance to enjoy my life. So I decided to go. While I knew the hike would be painful on my body, I also knew the pain of regret would be even harder to withstand.
I’m hurting as I write this, but I didn’t give up. I climbed to the very top of the mountain and God blessed me with the beauty of His creation. Words and pictures cannot do it justice. And now I have another victory from my God. The feeling of overcoming blessed my soul.
We are all so much stronger than we realize. Sometimes the hardest part is just deciding to do it. When we take the first step, God walks with us the rest of the way. When I reach the end of my strength and feel as if I can’t do it anymore, then He strengthens me.
Love and blessings,
Categories: Author, blogger, Candida Sullivan, Despite Your Circumstances, hike, Inspirational Blog, overcomer, Sandcave, white rocks
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