The Power of Genuine Giving: A Journey from Ego to Heart

Why do you do it?

Understanding why I do things has helped me so much. Being conscious of my reasons has helped me understand myself and even change certain things, especially when I am completely honest.

If I give someone something because I want to be praised or rewarded, it is not coming from a good place; therefore, it won’t bless me. In that state, it will only feed my ego and cause me to think more highly of myself than I should.

But if I give from my heart with sincerity and love, it will bless the one who receives it and me.

We are in a constant warfare between the inward and outward man. When we act from the inward, Godly self, we can truly make a difference and become a light for God. However, if we act from an ego-centered self, we are only interested in ourselves and how it makes us look and feel.

The Bible tells us that our carnal mind is an enemy of God. Therefore, when we live according to our flesh, we are not aligned with Him or on His side. We can’t please Him in this state, therefore, He won’t bless us.

We can give and give from our flesh and work so hard, but if God doesn’t approve of it, it is all in vain. It took me a long time to understand that.

I’ve done things in myself that have caused me hardships. I’ve given when I didn’t really have it to give and suffered because of it. But if we give when God puts in on our hearts, He will bless our efforts.

God can open doors that we can’t even see and bless us all in beautiful ways, but He doesn’t work through our fleshly desires. God’s work comes through the heart.

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