The perfect Christmas gift

Gifts lose their luster, but love never fades. 

I remember struggling so much with Christmas. When you live paycheck to paycheck, getting extra money for presents is hard. Therefore, the enemy used my struggles to cause me pain. He magnified my thoughts and had me focusing on what I couldn’t do so I wouldn’t be able to think of a different way.  

Feeling shame is a guaranteed way to ruin anyone’s Christmas. 

When we beat ourselves up because we can’t afford to buy extravagant gifts, we lose the real meaning of it all. It’s LOVE. 

John 3:16 KJV

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

What a gift! Whether we have a lot of money, a little, or none, we should not allow worldly things to affect celebrating Jesus’s birth and loving others. If we genuinely want to give, then we should show love. 

At the end of anyone’s life, the most important thing is LOVE. I would want to be surrounded by those I love. Spending time with those I love is so important to me. While I honestly can’t remember a lot of the gifts I have given or received in previous years, I always remember the love.

Sweet friend, don’t let the enemy beat you up this Christmas. Defeat him with love. Ask God to show you how to have the best Christmas possible. God knows exactly what you need and how to overcome every challenge.

Photo by Giselle Lazcano on Unsplash

P.S. We can’t out-give God. The more love we give others, the more love He gives us.  

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