Have you ever wondered, in the midst of your painful trial, where God is?
- By candidasullivan
- June 17, 2024
- No Comments
Why didn’t my God, the One who is all-knowing and full of strength, grace, and love, prevent this from happening to me? I have. I’ve been awake during the long, lonely nights and wondered why He allowed the bad things to happen to me. Why is my life such a struggle?
Sometimes, the hard part of all of this is knowing that God could have helped our situation, but He allowed the bad things to happen to us, just like with Job. While I don’t have all the answers, I have come to understand a few things.
God didn’t spare His Son from pain and suffering, whom He loves greatly, because He had a purpose far greater than being comfortable in His life. God created Him for a specific purpose. Jesus was born to fulfill the plan to save us all. Even though it pained God to watch Him suffer, He knew it would be worth it.
Our lives are the same way. God created us with a purpose. Each thing that happens to us is for a purpose. God is molding us into the person He wants us to be. He is teaching us to do His work and to serve others. Yes, it’s hard at times. Yes, we all want to quit when we are being refined in the fire. But, if we hold on during these painful moments, God will deliver us out of trouble and bless us with more than we can imagine, just like Job.
A wise friend told me that God handpicks our trials. Each one that He brings before us is for a specific reason. How wonderful it is to be loved and molded by God. He loves us too much to give us anything but the best. Our trials teach us, mold us, and bring beautiful gifts into our lives. Without the trials, we wouldn’t receive His priceless gifts of love.
God is closest to me during my trials. He doesn’t leave me while I am in the fire. He is always with me, helping me to grow through what I am going through.
Romans 8:28 (KJV)
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
I love the word “all” in this scripture. While I don’t understand everything, I am so grateful for the blessing this trial will bring me. Sometimes, we must go through the bad things to get to the good things in life.
Whenever I start doubting His ability to bring joy from our suffering and pain, I think about my thumb. The moment I fell and hurt my elbow, I wondered where God was. Why didn’t He prevent me from falling? As I endured the months of pain, I couldn’t understand the reason for the trial. Especially when, days before I fell, I had prayed and told Him I couldn’t take the pain any longer. Instead of taking it away, it increased for me. But when I was sitting in the doctor’s office, and he told me he could make me a thumb, the joy overflowed my heart.
At that moment, I understood. The fall got me to the doctor who could help me. After the thumb surgery, I could use my left hand and relieve the pressure on my right hand. Then, my body was able to heal, relieving the majority of the pain I felt every day.
The fall was God’s way of answering my prayer. I’m so thankful that during all those nights of crying and begging, He didn’t take away my pain as I asked Him to. I’m grateful that He knew His plan was far greater than I was asking for. That’s a wonderful, loving God.

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