Giving our problems to the Lord gives us HOPE.
- By candidasullivan
- July 10, 2024
- No Comments
Sometimes, I get so aggravated at myself, especially when I feel completely stressed and overwhelmed, and I don’t know why. Nothing is really bothering me, and yet it feels like everything is bothering me.
So, I decided to explore my thoughts and feelings and see when stress and overwhelm occurred. I wanted to quit immediately because being aware of my feelings made every emotion seem more significant, but I was determined to be honest with myself.
Let me just say it can be hard to leave the comfort of living on autopilot and notice things. If I walk into my kitchen and feel stressed, I need to ask myself why. If it’s because my kitchen is a mess, then I know I need to clean it up to stop the feeling of stress. But if I ignore the mess, grab a snack instead, and watch TV, I might feel better in the moment, but the feeling will return as soon as I walk back into my kitchen.
Here’s the tricky part: if I never confront my feelings and continue grabbing a snack every time to feel better, I’ve never dealt with the actual problem. Therefore, it will continue to resurface. But if I clean the kitchen, it will solve my problem and make me feel good in the process.
Another example is worrying instead of praying. When I feel the urge to pray, if I dismiss it and worry about the problem instead, then the problem remains. While worry gives me the illusion of doing something to help the issue, it prolongs the pain.
But if I pray, I instantly feel better. There’s something so beautiful about the process of prayer that helps us. Giving our problems to the Lord gives us HOPE.
The enemy wants us to stay in a cycle of fear and doubt. He wants us to believe that bad things will happen and God can’t help us. But there is power in believing the opposite. God has good things for us, and we need to trust Him to bring them into our lives at the right time. God loves us, and He wants to bless us.
Sweet friends, there is power in taking our thoughts captive and asking God to help us with our thoughts and emotions. He can show us how to do what we can to help ourselves and leave the things we can’t do to Him.
Nothing outside of us will help us with inward problems. We have to confront the issues in our lives to be able to pray about them and ask God to help us. If we don’t, our problems get bigger, and we feel buried underneath their weight.
God has what we need. He can show us how to love deeper and trust Him completely.

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