Getting Comfortable With The Uncomfortable

This morning, I would have loved to sleep in. When my alarm sounded, I wanted to snuggle with my husband and go back to sleep. Instead, I climbed out of bed. I am teaching myself discipline and how to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

Lately, I’ve realized how unsafe my comfort zone really is. It is the stealer of our dreams. When we only do the things that are comfortable in our lives and easy, then we never see what we are capable of. While it’s hard to write a book, it’s amazing when it helps someone else in some way. I could never put into words how it makes me feel to receive an email from someone telling me that my book helped them. That is priceless and worth every moment. 

My ultimate goal is to live the life that God created me to live. I want Him to be satisfied with me. This flesh is so weak. If given the choice, my flesh would always choose the easier path. My heart, however, wants to do the big, scary, (what seems to be) impossible things. 

God needs us all. We all need to show up every day, ready and willing to do His work. So many people don’t know our Lord. They don’t know His goodness. We need to be a glimpse of Him. Every day we need to be telling others, through our words as well as our actions, about our amazing God. 

This world is not our home. We are just passing through. The things of this world don’t even matter. What matters is if we know the Lord. The world is filled with so much suffering. It breaks my heart what other people endure. We need to lead them to the Lord and show them how to overcome it all. Now is not the time for us to give up. We need to be ready and willing to serve God and be a good solider in His army. 

Love and blessings,


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