Finding Strength in Adversity: Lessons from Job’s Faith

God knows how He will work it out for you, sweet friend!

When I feel discouraged, overwhelmed, stressed, and even a little hopeless or helpless, I like to think about Job, and how God took His affliction and turned it into a great blessing.

Sometimes, God allows us to experience things as well, and the reasons for why they happen might be hidden. When things appear unfair, we may feel like we are being punished, but the opposite might be true.

It could all be for our good and the glory of God.

We often don’t know how we feel or where our hearts and minds are until we experience hardships. Through adversity, we can see where we are with God.

Do we curse God when bad things happen or cry out to Him?

Do we only praise Him in the goodness or through the storms?

Do we only need God when things are tough, or is He a part of our daily lives?

When we feel broken, alone, and even a little forsaken, we discover our minds, hearts, and souls’ true intent. In the rawness, we find the truth and vulnerability. With our faces in the trenches, filling them with our tears, we discover what is essential, and see if our God is the One who can answer with fire.

The world offers us a form of religion, but their “god” has no power.

But there is a real, powerful God who is always there. He holds us while we sleep and sits with us when everyone else has abandoned us. He gives us scriptures and songs to comfort our aching hearts and to revive us. He doesn’t leave us when hardships occur, but He helps us through them.

When we encounter God, we get to know Him for ourselves, which changes us.

Job experienced great hardships, but he never turned away from God. Job is a beautiful example of unconditional love toward God. He didn’t just love God when He was blessing him, but he loved God through the pain, too. And I believe that’s why God blessed Job in even greater ways. Job proved that nothing could change his love for God.

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