Embracing Help: Recognizing Blessings in Vulnerability

It’s hard for me to ask for help or admit when I’m struggling. Somewhere lodged in my brain is the thought that needing help makes me disabled. For most of my life, I’ve suffered in silence because I didn’t want to appear weak or incapable. And even when others offered to help me, I rejected it because I felt somewhere deep inside of me that I had to prove my worth.

In my mind, I needed to do it all to prove that I belonged and was worthy of friendship, employment, marriage, and motherhood. All of my life, I have worked so hard to prove myself that I missed the most crucial factor of it all. I forgot to love myself and to let other people in so they could love me too.

Allowing other people to help us is an excellent form of love. Denying them the opportunity to help us is stealing their blessings. It feels wonderful to help someone else and allow them to help us, and when we reject help, we deny ourselves both the blessing.

God has put me in situations lately that will cause me to suffer if I don’t ask for help. I had to explain my situation at the car dealership and ask for a vehicle to accommodate my needs. Otherwise, I would have to suffer for two weeks. It was hard, but I realized the only judgment I would receive would be from myself.

Instead of feeling shame for asking for help, we can feel gratitude for those who make a difference in our lives and help us.

How often do we stubbornly try to do it ourselves when God is right there, willing and waiting to help us? How often do we reject His ways, which will be easier on us, and continue on our path of struggle?

It breaks my heart when I think about all the time I’ve wasted and all the pain I’ve caused myself. The truth is that I do need help. Life is hard, and something else will happen when we get through this challenge. It’s a constant flow of struggles and blessings. But the longer we hold onto the struggle, the longer we deny ourselves the blessing.

Sweet friends, we are God’s children. He wants to help us and often uses others to be His hands and feet. God sees our struggles, hears our frustrations, and knows exactly how to help us. He gives us favor.

So the next time someone offers to help you, see it as God extending His favor upon you. Instead of allowing the enemy to shame you, allow God to bless you.

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