Embracing Hard Times: Finding Strength and Faith Amid Trials
- By candidasullivan
- October 16, 2024
- No Comments
My life feels so uncomfortable right now. A series of events has caused me to become stressed and overwhelmed. It’s been building for months. When I get through one thing, something else happens. While none of this feels good, and honestly, I want it to all be over and everything to return to normal, I also know this is a beautiful place to be.
We don’t usually grow when life is good. It takes things shaken and turned upside down for us to learn and grow. Faith doesn’t strengthen in good times. I don’t need faith when everything is going well in my life. But when I find myself in the middle of a trial I don’t understand or know how to navigate, it becomes a beautiful opportunity to get closer to God.
In hard times, we can draw closer to God or turn away.
We can become bitter by what we must endure or allow it to make us better somehow.
I want to use it all to get better, stronger, and closer to God.
I’ve been trying to survive and do the necessary things for days. But this morning, I smiled a little as I recognized this place of uncertainty and fear as an opportunity.
Whenever I have found myself in a similar place, God has used it all for my good.
So, I want to surrender it all to Him, trust my Lord throughout every step of this journey, and grow to a level I’ve never reached before.
Pain and discomfort are beautiful ways of clarifying what’s truly important in life. My relationship with God and my family is at the top of my list. I want to love deeply and become the best version of myself. I want to use every ounce of the pain and discomfort for good.
And I know without a shadow of a doubt that God’s blessings are more significant than the pain.
While I don’t know what might happen or what blessings this trial might bring, I am grateful. I know God hears my pleas for help because He comforts me, and I also know He will do what is best.
He’s blessed me time and time again, and this will be no exception.

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