Do you know how to overcome?
- By candidasullivan
- August 7, 2024
- No Comments
While I know I have overcome things, I wanted to figure out how I did it to share the formula with others. So, God put the 75 Hard Challenge on my heart a few years ago to take me through the process.
It was tough for me, and I struggled to do it. However, I wanted to experience the process of overcoming and examine it along the way.
I went through the process and wrote about it. Honestly, I learned so much throughout it all. I’ve been working on my book ever since. But I can’t seem to get it right. I’ve been writing all around it, yet I can’t say exactly what I want.
As I was sitting in church Sunday, God showed me the answer. He summed up everything I’ve been trying to say in three words: FOLLOW THE LORD.

We can’t truly overcome anything without God. He is the One who leads us and guides us the right way. Following the Lord is the formula. That is how I learned to accept my scars, my books got published, my body healed, I got a thumb, etc. It all starts with asking God what to do and then doing it.
God knows what we need when we need it and what we should do, and will give us everything we need to do it.
Sweet friends, we can talk to the Lord right now. We can ask for guidance and clarity on what we need to do. God will give us everything we need. Sometimes, He makes it so simple that we stumble over it because we expect it to be more complicated.
However, simple and easy are two different things. While God makes it simple to follow Him, it’s not easy because the enemy tries to derail us. The key is to walk with the Lord and discuss every detail with Him.
Do you have a special place where you talk to the Lord?
We need to talk to the Lord daily to overcome life’s challenges. When my kids were little, I went out every night and sat with the Lord on my deck. I talked to Him about everything. That’s where my journey with healing and growing started. It was my favorite part of the day.
I love those quiet, tender moments with God. He encourages me, listens to me, inspires me, forgives me, comforts me, strengthens me, and helps me. Deciding to sit with Him and talk to Him daily will change your life.
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