Breaking the Cycle of Judgment: Embracing Compassion and Love

One of the most damaging things we do to ourselves every day is to judge others and ourselves. When we react with judgments instead of love, we create a separation between others and ourselves. Judgment makes us feel superior and feeds the ego. 

However, when we choose to react with compassion, we can stop the judgment. We meet people where they are and understand they do their best in their circumstances. 

For some, life can be so incredibly hard. We don’t know anyone’s true story. If we could see what others have endured, it would break our hearts and enable us to see them differently. 

The enemy wants us to think the absolute worst of people. He wants us to be hateful, judgmental, and impatient with them. When we fall into his trap, we cause more pain. 

Judgment is a vicious cycle. The meaner we are to ourselves and others, the more pain we cause. After a while, we don’t like anyone, and everyone gets on our nerves. We get upset when others don’t do things the way we do them and stay in a constant loop of frustration. 

The harsher we become with our judgments, the more judged we feel. And the fear of judgment often makes us feel stuck or anxious.

God has a better way. Love, kindness, and compassion can stop it all. When we struggle with this, we can ask God for help. He can show us how to extend love, kindness, and compassion in challenging situations. The first person it helps is us. 

I don’t feel very good when I’m judging, but there is power in loving others right where they are. It’s so beautiful when we can stop trying to change others and just love them. In love, we can pray for them and perhaps show them a little glimpse of our Lord.

Matthew 7:1-2 KJV

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

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