Are you willing to admit the truth?
- By candidasullivan
- June 19, 2024
- No Comments
I am the problem!
As much as I would like to blame all my problems on someone else, I realize I am the problem. I create my life with the daily choices I make. Therefore, if I dislike my life, I need to evaluate my options.
After journaling about the thought, “I am not good enough,” for several weeks, I have uncovered all sorts of things. Even if I reframe my belief, I still struggle with taking action. I have stayed in the place of pain because it feels comfortable to me. Just writing that sentence makes me want to cry.
How many of us stay in our pain every day because we are afraid of the unknown?
Living in pain is right where the enemy wants us to be. When we accept our pain, then we don’t try to change it. We continue to live the same way every year and call it a life.
What we do matters today. Our life is a cumulation of our choices, and we are the ones who get to make those choices. The Bible tells us that we reap what we sow. So, I am taking a long, hard look at what I am sowing every day. We can’t plant seeds of fear and expect our faith to grow.
Galatians 6:9 (KJV)
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
While I don’t always know what to do, my Lord does know. Therefore, saying I don’t know what to do is not a valid excuse. When I don’t know what to do, I must pray and ask the Lord for guidance. And then do whatever He tells me to do with my whole heart. We don’t have to see the entire plan to text the next step. We just have to trust the Lord.

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