Are you trying to hold it all together?

I’ve been there, sweet friend, in a place of uncertainty and fear, and I’ve tried desperately to fix it all myself. I’ve tried to fix my loved one’s heartache while stuffing my emotions deep inside me. During the hardship, I thought I had to be strong for everyone else and pretend everything was fine when I was anything but fine.

But in doing so, I just created even more problems. When we stuff the pain down inside us and try to ignore it, it damages us. What I learned to do instead is to take it all to my Lord. He knows what to do with my pain and exactly how to overcome it all.

God knows how to comfort my troubled heart. He knows exactly what I need when I need it. Instead of pretending to be strong, I am learning to take my weaknesses before the Lord. God can use it all for good.

2 Corinthians 12:9 (KJV)

9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

When we pour our hearts out to God, He will help us. Sometimes, the most significant thing we can do is to ask Him for help. And then live in the present moment. We worry about tomorrow or five minutes from now and often fail to live in our moment. I’ve caused myself so much additional pain by worrying about tomorrow and failing to live in today.

God will give us the strength we need for tomorrow, tomorrow. When going through hard seasons, the best thing we can do is turn to God and allow Him to help us. The closer we get to God, the more He will help us.

Photo by Lucas Calloch on Unsplash
Categories: Uncategorized

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