Are you afraid to use your God-given gifts?
- By candidasullivan
- February 12, 2024
- No Comments
I remember how terrified I was to share my first written piece. The first time one of my articles appeared in the newspaper, I had a major meltdown. I cried and wanted to beg them not to publish it.
Sometimes, it’s still really hard for my flesh. Deep down, my ego wants to look good to others. I don’t want to make mistakes or vulnerably share my life with others. I want to give the clifnotes version and pretend everything is perfect.
But it’s not. Neither I nor my life are perfect. Would you like to know a little secret I have learned along the way? GOD DOESN’T EXPECT ME TO BE PERFECT.
My Lord knew all my faults and failures when He gave me the gift. He just wants me to be willing to use it for Him. When we step out in faith, willing to do whatever God puts on our hearts, regardless of how we might look, God will use us.
He’s NEVER let me down.
I was at a conference one time, and every time I tried to practice my talk, I burst into tears. I told God I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to stand there and cry the whole time. So God told me to go, and He would be with me. And was He ever. He showed up for me in a big way. When they handed me the microphone, I felt the spirit of God, and the words tumbled out beautifully.
Singing also makes me extremely nervous. I usually get sick to my stomach and dread it so bad. But when I step out in faith, God helps me. Sometimes, it’s like I hear someone else’s voice when I speak and sing for Him.
When I make it all about me, then the nerves take over. But when I realize someone needs what God wants me to share, it helps me step out in faith and let God help me overcome the fear.
God never meant for us to use our gifts alone. He wants to help us. And working with Him is the absolute best feeling in the world. I love the blessing of being obedient to my Lord.

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