A Servant’s Heart

With the controversy and constant bickering, it’s hard to remain positive in such a negative world. But it’s still possible. My beliefs are rooted and grounded in God. Regardless of who is making noise and casting insults, we need to search within ourselves for the answers. 

First of all, it is never as bad as the devil makes it seem. He loves to cause us pain and turmoil, and he will always magnify our problems. When we feel as if we are inside a raging storm, then we need to seek the calm and the peace. God doesn’t change. He is the same today as He was when He created this world. His love for us is still the same. Nothing can separate us from Him. 

So in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, cling to Him. Now, more than ever, we need to be about our Father’s business. We need to be reaching out to those lost and suffering, and showing them love. 

Yesterday, I had a man ask me for a garbage bag as I was taking out the trash at work. When I gave him a trash bag, he was grateful. He thanked me, blessed me, and told me to have a great day. As he walked away, carrying two wore and dirty bags with a huge smile on his face, God reminded to help who I can help and to be grateful for what I have. 

Instead of criticizing others for what they have or have not done, I am going to focus my attention on those who I can help and the difference that God will allow me to make. So often we leave the change up to one or two people, but the real change is within us. 

When I find myself judging others, I try to stop and ask myself these questions:

Who will you help today? 
What can you do today to make the world a better place?

We all matter. God loves us all. Let’s unite and be of service to our Lord and to others. 

Love and blessings,


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