The Power Of Acceptance
- By candidasullivan
- April 4, 2017
- No Comments
Living with a physical difference comes with various challenges. One is the need for acceptance. As a little girl, I often felt shame because I was different. So I felt that I had to work harder to try to earn other people’s love. In my mind, I didn’t see how they could love and accept me with all my flaws.
I constantly searched for acceptance, and always felt the need to prove my self-worth. In my vulnerable state, I allowed other people to control my emotions and how I felt about myself. When other people treated me badly, I assumed the things said to me were the truth. If someone made fun of my scars, I felt a deep pain of shame. The nasty comments only verbalized and reinforced how I felt about myself.
It took me a long time to realize that the acceptance I so desperately needed was within me. The love that I thought I needed from others was already inside of me. All I needed to do was love and accept myself.
The day that I accepted my scars, they transformed from a burden to a blessing in my eyes. Now I am so grateful for each one. Yes, they cause me heartache, but they also represent God’s amazing love for me. I’m alive. When we accept our heartaches, they no longer have the power to hurt us.
People still say nasty things to me from time to time. Instead of allowing it to hurt me or make me angry, I realize that the problem is not with me, but it is within the person saying the ugly comments. The ones who treat us the worst need our love and kindness the most. When we pray for them, instead of reacting to their bad behavior, we take away their power.
The love and acceptance that you constantly seek from other people is within you. Give yourself the gift of acceptance. It will change your life.
Love and blessings,
P.S. Please share this blog to help me raise awareness of differences.
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