Amniotic Band Syndrome

 What is Amniotic Band Syndrome? Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS) is a rare condition caused by string-like bands in the amniotic sac. These bands can entangle the umbilical cord or other … Continue Reading →

Candida Sullivan, author of Underneath the Scars and the Zippy series, shares her story about living with amniotic band syndrome

Candida’s Story

  Candida Sullivan believes in miracles. Born with a rare condition called Amniotic Band Syndrome (which causes death in most babies before they are ever born), she knows it’s a … Continue Reading →

Underneath the Scars

Underneath the Scars is a journey of emotional and spiritual healing associated with physical deformities. You will laugh, cry, and reflect as Candida shares her story and the woman underneath … Continue Reading →