Stepping Away from Doubt: Embracing Faith and Fulfilling God’s Purpose
- By candidasullivan
- October 23, 2024
- No Comments
The enemy doesn’t tell me not to do God’s work; he tells me I’m not good enough to do it. As the sting of his words hit me, they found little cracks to seep into. And that’s where the doubt surfaces. The longer I listen to the enemy, the more discouraged I become.
You don’t know what you’re doing.
You are not smart enough.
You are not talented enough.
You will never accomplish the dream.
You are wasting your time.
When I listen to all the words the enemy throws at me, doubt makes me feel discouraged. I struggle to hear the words from my Lord through the noise the enemy creates, so I procrastinate. With every moment that I put it off, I feel more disappointed.
Amid all the noise and feelings of unworthiness, I cannot focus. It all feels so uncomfortable that I want to escape. Therefore, I distract myself from the discomfort, keeping me in a pain cycle loop that seems never-ending.
But, if I realize I’m not supposed to know how to do it all, and it’s hard because God wants us to do the work together, I can overcome the doubt cycle.
When we step away from doubt and toward faith, God will show us HOW to do the work. Sweet friends, we don’t have to know every step of the journey; we must be willing to take each step as God reveals it to us.
When I hide my gifts and don’t follow the Lord, I steal blessings from others.
Staring at a blank screen and feeling my inadequacies is hard. It’s also tough to show up to write when I really want to distract myself with something else. But I love this work with the Lord and don’t want to steal anyone else’s blessing. I want to share with you what God gives me.
God can bless us like nothing and no one else. He can fill my heart with so much joy that it spills over to others. Using the gifts He gave me blesses me and others. It’s powerful. And that’s why the enemy wants to do everything possible to prevent it.
But God can show us how to use it all for good. When we follow the Lord, He gives us peace, love, and joy. Nothing compares to God’s peace, love, and joy. It gives me everything I need.
My dad preaches that we follow the Lord or we do not. There is no in-between. We are where the Lord wants us, or we are not.
To do His work, we must be in complete alignment with Him. We must stand when He tells us to stand, go when He tells us to go, and follow Him even when it’s not what we want or understand. Anything less is serving myself and my desires.
I had to leave my Sunday school class once. Walking away from them was incredibly hard for me. I wanted to stay because I loved them so much. But every Sunday that I waited, I hurt them and me because I had lost my power with the Lord. I was just going through the motions. God stopped guiding me, and I was teaching from my wisdom and knowledge, not His.
Without the Lord, we can’t help anyone!!!! It takes God to do the work. And we all deserve more than simply going through the motions.

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