Overcoming Unbelief: Embracing God’s Promises and Blessings

Unbelief stands in our way of truly becoming who God calls us to be. If we don’t believe something is possible, we won’t do it, and even if we do, we will only do it half-heartedly.

The children of Israel missed the promised land because of unbelief and disobedience.

I don’t want to miss my blessings because I don’t believe they are possible or because I’m too stubborn to follow the Lord. I don’t want to wander around in the wilderness, complaining, doubting, and making myself miserable when God has an abundance of blessings just for me.

Limiting God is one of the greatest mistakes we can make. It steals our blessings. God will not bless our unbelief. He wants us to walk in Faith and Trust Him. Every day, we should ask God to help our unbelief.

Our obstacles are not in the way of stopping us but in showing us that we are overcomers through God. But if we keep our eyes on the problem constantly, we fail to see how God blesses us to overcome them.

Have you ever noticed how we question what God shows us and what He wants us to do, but we don’t question what the enemy tells us? Most of the time, I accept his lies without even questioning them. And even when God rebukes the enemy’s lies, I still struggle to let go of them.

I hold onto lies and nurture them. Whenever I think about and believe them, they strengthen their hold on me. Our beliefs are so powerful. They produce our thoughts, which create our feelings and turn into our actions. All of this combined gives us the results in our lives.

Therefore, I must change my beliefs if I want to change my life.

God can help us with this. Faith is the opposite of unbelief. When I struggle with unbelief, I can ask God for help. It’s in the struggle when we must do the work.

We can believe God or the enemy.
We can follow God or the enemy.
We can trust God or the enemy.

But we can’t do both.

We are all weak. God knows this. He doesn’t expect us to be strong and defeat the enemy on our own. He just expects us to run to Him and allow Him to be our God.

When we let God care for us and trust Him with our lives completely, He blesses us in surprising ways. God has everything we need. And the beautiful part is that He wants to bless us.

So the question is, do we want to continue to wander around in the wilderness miserable, or do we want to let God lead us to the promises and blessings He has just for us?

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