God will answer, and He will help us!

Sometimes God doesn’t answer me like I want Him to. I have cried out before, over and over, just trying to get ahold of my Lord. Because I know that if I can talk to Him about my problem, He will take care of it.

Sometimes I repeatedly pray about the same situation because I try to control the outcome. I want God to answer my prayers according to my will. I ask Him to move in my situation how I want him to. When I can come to a place of total surrender, however, and turn it all over to Him—trusting Him to answer according to His will—He will answer in the best way.

Prayer is my special time with God. I can take it all to Him: my worries, my fears, my heartaches, and my pain. I can lay it all at the feet of Jesus and trust Him to know what to do with it all. So many times, I worry about things and talk about them without ever taking them to God. When I take them to God and pray, He gives me peace. Even amid the storm, I can be joyful and peaceful.

I take comfort in knowing that regardless of what happens to me, I can cry out to Jesus. He understands my pain. And He has a plan to help me. Before I even cried out, He was already answering.

Isaiah 65:24 (KJV)
24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Categories: Uncategorized

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