God specializes in the impossible
- By candidasullivan
- July 8, 2024
- No Comments
When my soul feels discouraged, and the blessing seems impossible and far away, I cling to the power and knowledge of my Lord. My God specializes in the impossible. He can take the difficult things in my life and transform them with His amazing grace.
During times of hardship and doubt, I will lift my eyes toward the source of my help. My help comes from the Lord. He can take the most challenging situation, bless it abundantly, and create something beautiful from the remnants.
If I do my part, then God will do His part.
Instead of focusing on the things beyond my control, I want to focus on what I can do. God gives us the desires of our hearts. Sweet friends, I want to cling to that truth wholeheartedly.
Even when it is hard, I want to pick up my cross with all the hardships and disappointments and follow my God. He will show me how to help those I love and bring them out of the darkness. While it is tempting for me to try to do God’s part and their part, I know that my part is all I can control, so I want to do it with my whole heart.
Every day, in every way, I want to show up with love, compassion, and a servant’s heart. I want to follow the Lord so closely that if someone else follows me, I will lead them to my Lord.

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