Embracing the Miraculous: The Power of Bold Prayer

My favorite Bible stories are the ones where God made the impossible possible. As I read through my Bible, I see a common theme. When the children of God pray, God makes miracles happen. And miracles never happen without God.

When the Lord answers prayers, He amazes us. While I love to read the scriptures and how God defeated the enemy every time, I also love to live the scriptures. The same words and spirit God gave those before me are also available to me.

While our situations may differ, our God is the same.

God hasn’t lost His power, but perhaps we have lost our zeal to pray. As long as we feel our situation has already been decided, we won’t pray, believing God can change it. We accept our limitations and settle for the crumbs of life.

Prayer, however, is the key to a well-lived life. God can change things, disrupt the enemy, and turn his evil plans into victories. I believe that God wants to bless us. He wants to show up BIG for us and do the impossible.

A different life starts with different prayers. We can’t just ask God for what we think we can get. We need to ask for our deepest desires. God already knows what we desire; after all, He is the One who put those dreams in our hearts.

Instead of dismissing our heart’s desires, we need to think about them, sit with them for a while, and talk to God about them. Sweet friends, we need to invite God to do miracles in our lives.

The enemy wants us to pray small prayers. He wants us to settle and live in misery. But God wants to be our divine helper and astonish us and everyone around us.

For the majority of my life, I’ve lived a fear-based life. I’ve tucked myself so far into my comfort zone that it smothered me. I’ve allowed my enemy’s voice to prevail over my Lord’s. But I don’t want to live that way anymore.

Now, I want my life to be a living prayer. I want to learn to pray Big prayers and expect miracles. Every day, I want to talk to God and listen to God talk to me. I want to be willing and ready for whatever way God wants to use me. I want to keep allowing God to write my story in ways that inspire others and lead them to Him.

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