Do you feel loved by Jesus?

As a mom, I NEVER want my kids to suffer. My prayers are often for protection and guidance for my kids. I love my boys in a way that I can’t even explain. And the thought of them suffering in any way breaks my heart.

This morning, as I was praying for them, I asked God not to let them suffer, and the realization that God allowed His Son to suffer for mine really dawned on me. God had to turn away so Jesus could endure it all for us.


Jesus’ desire to love and protect us was more significant than His suffering. In the Bible, He told them not to weep for Him but for themselves and their children.

Honestly, my mind can’t even comprehend the magnitude of God’s love. While I’ve never been able to fully explain what my salvation means to me, I’m so incredibly grateful for it. I’m so thankful Jesus went all the way and overcame death for us. I’m so grateful that God included us in His plan of salvation.

Even though my heart is sad at what Jesus endured for me, it also rejoiced at the eternal gift He gave me.

I’m thankful to be saved because of Jesus!
I’m thankful to be loved because of Jesus!
I’m thankful to be helped because of Jesus!
I’m thankful to be comforted because of Jesus!
I’m thankful to be protected because of Jesus!
I’m thankful to know God and have a relationship with Him because of Jesus!

His death gave me eternal life!

While my flesh wants to declare my love for God and Jesus, the truth is that it doesn’t compare to their love for me. Today, I am pausing to think about this amazing love and to feel it in the depths of my soul.

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

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