What Are You Grateful For?

As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart shifts toward the grateful mindset. While I could write pages about my blessings, I could never fully explain how grateful I am to be saved … Continue Reading →

Resisting the Change

This morning, I saw my hand for the first time—without the feeling of shock. In my mind, I have been blocking the change that took place. My hand has felt … Continue Reading →

Productivity: How to Control Your Day

Have you ever had a moment or situation that you would like to do over? Every time I hit my snooze button and fall back to sleep, I wake up … Continue Reading →

Coffee With God

What would you think, if I told you that you can have coffee  with God? It’s the first thing I do each morning. Once my coffee is ready, I sit … Continue Reading →

Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?

We’ve all done it at some point. Someone does something that we would like to do, or they have something we would like to have, and right away we start … Continue Reading →