Are you running from yourself?
- By candidasullivan
- August 19, 2024
- No Comments
In the darkness, the pain feels greater. Suddenly, the day’s disappointments seem heavier, as if the weight of it all might crush us. We wonder if there is something more for us or if a life of struggle is our fate.
Our soul craves connection, growth, and the opportunity to discover and live our purpose. We know there is more; we just don’t know how to get it.
So, we assume that we need to go, make changes, and find the life we need. The problem is that we take ourselves wherever we go. Changing our circumstances does not fix our inner issues.
It might satisfy us for a while but will not fix the problem.
We need to learn how to make peace with ourselves and to live from our souls rather than our flesh.
Our flesh needs things and accomplishments to feel worthy. It needs praise. It needs to be significant. It always wants something beyond what we have, because the next thing will surely fulfill us.
Only it doesn’t. Not really.
I remember thinking that if I could get my books published, everything would be great, and I would be happy. While it was great, the feeling didn’t fix my whole life like I thought it would.
When I started having severe pain, I thought, if only this pain would go away, I could be happy and enjoy my life. Even when my body healed, it didn’t chase away the afflictions in my mind.
The peace and joy we seek are internal. Nothing outside of us will give us what we want to feel. However, we can provide those things to ourselves. We can choose to love and accept ourselves right where we are.
I thought I needed outside approval to be good enough. I thought being an award-winning author would make me feel worthy to write. But it did the opposite. It got in my head because I didn’t feel I deserved the award or the gift to write. And I struggled so hard to write anything because I judged every word that came to my mind. I wouldn’t allow the words to flow. I tried to control them.
It took me a long time to understand that my worth is in God. I am His beloved daughter. Writing is my gift. God gave it to me. Therefore, I am worthy of it. I didn’t have to earn it or prove myself. I just needed to accept it, show up, and share the words in my heart.
The enemy constantly tries to steal our gifts. He wants us to become discouraged and quit. His strategy is to convince us that we are not good enough, strong enough, or intelligent enough. He can’t take our gifts but can get us to give them up.
To live our best lives, we must align with God and discover our true purpose. This is what gives us the joy, peace, and love we desire.
Will it be hard? Yes, it will be. But it will be so worth it.
Doing what God created us to do is the best life. It fills us like nothing else can. Sweet friends, it’s not too late. God can help you with every step of the journey and bless you along the way. He is the One who can turn the darkness into light and your pain into blessings.

Have a beautiful day!
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