Who Are You Living For?

Life is like a vapor. It only appears for a little while, and then it’s gone. The only things that remain are the memories we create with others, the work … Continue Reading →

Candida Sullivan, author of Underneath the Scars and the Zippy series, shares her story about living with amniotic band syndrome

Candida’s Story

  Candida Sullivan believes in miracles. Born with a rare condition called Amniotic Band Syndrome (which causes death in most babies before they are ever born), she knows it’s a … Continue Reading →

Zippy Series

The Zippy Series is Candida’s line of children’s books, including Zippy and the Stripes of Courage and Zippy’s Big Difference.  Filled with fun characters and beautiful illustrations, these books follow Zippy, the … Continue Reading →

Underneath the Scars

Underneath the Scars is a journey of emotional and spiritual healing associated with physical deformities. You will laugh, cry, and reflect as Candida shares her story and the woman underneath … Continue Reading →