Sharing the Love

Life can often take us to unexpected places, with turns and valleys unaware. For me it’s about constantly modifying and finding new ways to surpass my obstacles. Hence the reason I have not blogged in a while.

Obstacles, problems, valleys, and challenges are all part of life. No one gets to select the easy button and decide to live without them. We do, however, get to choose how to handle them. My new goal is to start each day with prayer for guidance and understanding, and then read God’s beautiful words of comfort, hope, peace, and strength. Now more than ever before, I need God to guide me along my journey. It doesn’t matter the size of our enemy, God is always bigger. And I believe when we seek Him with our whole heart, not allowing anything or anyone to derail us that God will help us to prevail.

God has an appointed time for everything. When I write my books, my heart is often heavy and my hardships increase. God has lessons for me to learn and new wisdom for me to attain. The gift of wisdom and knowledge is often painful, but the reward is priceless.

Regardless of the battle, the victory is always worthwhile.

In less than a week, my new book will be released.
All the pain and suffering, tears and prayers, cannot compare to the joy of holding it in my hands and the blessing of sharing it with others. It makes me feel like God has given me a very special gift, and a great responsibility.

The things required and expected of me are not always easy. It is a constant struggle for me to overcome my fears, defeat the enemy always trying to stop me, and do His will. I get so sick before every single school visit and appearance that I even have trouble sleeping the night before. I literally have to force myself to go. Each opportunity produces a new obstacle.

My first school visit with Zippy’s Big Difference was done with a leap of faith. I wasn’t able to read my new book without crying, but I trusted God would help me. And, He did. The second school visit, I was so sick I could barely stand up. The nausea overwhelmed me and I had to talk to myself the whole way there.

You will not be sick. This is only your nerves. You can do this. How can you make a difference if you allow the enemy to defeat you so easily?

Every day I continue to try. I agree to interviews and appearances even though I know it will be hard for me. I schedule school visits knowing the trial each one brings. I also know the joy of touching another life. God has blessed me with His amazing love and the desire to share it. He gives me such beautiful stories, and enough faith to believe I can make a difference in some life, somewhere.

My books are more than words and book sales. They are a testimony of God’s greatness in my life, and how His amazing love and mercy transformed me.

Please help me share the love and help others.

1.      Review my books online.

2.      Ask your local library to buy my books.

3.      Recommend my books to family and friends. Tell organizations dealing with differences and hardships about Zippy.

4.      Read my Zippy books to a child. You can visit schools and hospitals, too.  

5.      Above all, help me pray that God’s will for my life and books be done.

Thank you for reading the words of my heart and supporting me. It means so much to me.

Until next time, may God bless you.

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