Living Peacefully

How many times do we allow the little things to bother us? I do it all the time. I can’t even count the number of times that I have been irritated over something that wasn’t even significant. Like waking up to dirty dishes in the sink. Lately, I’ve caught myself. In the midst of my irritation, I’ve asked myself a few questions. Is this really important? Will it matter tomorrow, next week, a month or a year from now? If it’s not important, then I let it go immediately. So often we carry burdens that are not even important. 

We need to learn to pick and choose our battles wisely. If we are not careful, we can waste our time trying to fight battles that are not even important. I have done this so many times. I’ve wasted time and energy on trying to fight the old, when I should have focused on new ways to do the task or handle the situation. 

As I was reading in my Bible this morning a verse hit me. We shouldn’t fall in love with the things of this world. When I allow myself to get angry with people over things, then I have missed an opportunity to show them love. The things don’t matter, whereas the people do. 

From now on, I am going to try to examine my thoughts and my battles. I want peace in my life. Getting irritated over minor things is not living peacefully. It only upsets me and the causes me to upset others. If we are not careful, the devil will put our blessings in the same category as our troubles. He’s sneaky that way. 

Love and blessings, 


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