Do You Know The Lord?

What an honor it is to know the Lord and to be His child. Regardless of what we go through, nothing can ever separate us from Him. He knows our situation and He always has a plan to help us. We are more than conquers through Him. 

The reason we are still here is to tell others of the hope inside of us. Someone is in the same shape that we were in before the Lord came into our lives and put His word in our hearts. I remember that kind of hopelessness and feeling as if my life was meaningless. When God filled my heart, however, He replaced my fear with His peace, my hatred with His love, and my thoughts with His thoughts. He gave my life meaning and purpose.

Sometimes my mind still struggles to envision how wonderful Heaven will be. There will be no heartache, no pain, and no evil. For all eternity we will praise our Lord, and be in His amazing presence. Our soul will be joyful and so incredibly peaceful. 

God is a wonderful paymaster. He blesses me for serving Him and even teaches me how to do His work. Giving my heart to the Lord and deciding to live my life for Him was the best decision that I have ever made. What about you? Do you know the Lord?

Love and blessings, 


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