Where is God in your life?

During challenging times, we quickly become discouraged and even wonder where God is. Why is He allowing us to suffer? Most of the time, I can look at my life … Continue Reading →

With God, all things are possible

Sometimes I see people on a path similar to the one I used to be on, and my heart aches for the pain that might come to them. I wish … Continue Reading →

The battle belongs to God, and He is victorious.

Sometimes at the end of the day, when I feel the weakest, the enemy points out all my flaws and weaknesses. He loves to highlight all of my faults and … Continue Reading →

In God’s arms, we are all welcomed and loved.

One of the most incredible things I have learned is to be careful and selective with my thoughts, words, and actions. The world has a specific agenda. If Satan can … Continue Reading →

How often do we settle for the crumbs of life when God wants to give us so much more?

Sometimes I think about the children of Isreal and how when life got tough in the wilderness, they wished to be back in Egypt, even though they were in bondage … Continue Reading →