Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing

When things don’t happen as quickly as I’d like them to, I struggle with the desire to take matters into my own hands and help God. I become willing to settle for okay when God has great plans for me. In my haste to get to the blessing, I leave the Lord out of it and try to do it on my own. 

In all reality, I try to steal God’s blessings. 

Sometimes, when I write things out and ponder them, I see it all so clearly. Serving the Lord and following Him takes faith, works, and patience. The sixth chapter of Hebrews is an excellent example of this. 

Hebrews 6:15 KJV

15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

I know how hard it is to endure patiently. I’m in a trial right now and would love to see it end. I want God to hurry. Honestly, I want to climb out of the trenches of pain and misery and go high on the mountain with the Lord. I’ve even asked for a different way because this way seems impossible. 

But a different way won’t give me the blessing. 

God loves us too much to allow us to settle for less than what He wants to give us. Therefore, when the pain of unanswered prayers feels crushing, and our souls feel weary, we need to ask God to provide us with what we need to continue the battle with faith and patience and continue to do the work He gives us. 

God will reward those who follow Him and patiently wait on Him. 

Sometimes, we have to get out of the way and stand still so God can bless us. We have to let go of the control and let God arrange it all. 

Imagine if the children of Israel had tried to figure out their own way to cross the Red Sea. What if they had turned around? What if they had gone right or left? What if they had gone into the sea without waiting on God? Their story could have been different, and we would have all missed the beauty and awe of God’s miracle. 

So, we wait—patiently and expectantly for the blessings that only God can give. 

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