The Power of Desire: Embracing Change for Greater Blessings

Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is admit that we don’t like where we are in our lives and what we have allowed. Finding the courage and strength to desire change, regardless of the cost, is powerful.

We live in a constant battle of wanting the blessing but not wanting to change to receive it. In our minds, it all sounds wonderful until it actually happens. Then, we want to back up on the Lord and find an easier, less complicated way.

Surely, there is a way without discomfort. That’s what I really want. I want God to step in and make it all happen without me having to do the work. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Or at least it doesn’t for me.

Most of my blessings occur after I have exhausted all possibilities. They appear after I have worked, prayed, and given my all. When God sees my determination, mixed with a bit of desperation, then He intervenes. But we have to give God something to bless. We have to show Him the desire in our hearts for the blessing.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t really appreciate it.

But when we have worked so hard and can’t make it happen, and God steps in and helps us, it’s a whole new level of blessing. We feel aligned and favored.

The deciding factor is the difference between wanting something and desiring it in the deepest places of our hearts. If we want it, we will be okay if it doesn’t happen. We forget about it quickly and move on to something else. But the thought of not getting a deep desire breaks our hearts.

I still remember how I cried the day I tucked Zippy in the drawer and vowed never to attempt to get his story published again. My heart ached for the lost dream. Even though I let go of the desire in my mind, my heart still clung to it. As I drifted to sleep each night, I imagined kids holding my book and loving Zippy.

Regardless of how I vowed to do just that, I couldn’t let go. God saw the whole process—all the time I spent writing it, the joy and hope it brought me, how each rejection broke my heart, and the love wrapped up in it all.

I will never forget how it felt to hold my Zippy book for the first time. My hands trembled as I opened the envelope, and my heart rejoiced at God’s powerful blessing. Whenever I go into a school and share Zippy, God blesses me. And each time is still so powerful to me.

Holding on until we reach the blessing is hard. It takes faith and perseverance. But the blessing is so much greater than the hardship.

If you are weighing the cost, sweet friend, I want you to know it’s worth it. If you are struggling greatly, keep going. On the other side of the pain and hardship is a blessing much greater than you can imagine.

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