The Freedom to Choose: Embracing God’s Guidance
- By candidasullivan
- January 14, 2025
- No Comments
Is God waiting on you?
My feet pounded the pavement as my heart talked to God. Walking and talking are some of my favorite things to do. Getting into a steady rhythm helps me process my emotions and ask God for my deepest desires. On this particular day, I was on a roll, telling God what I wanted. His reply stopped me and shocked me.
God told me what I was doing wrong. He spelled it all out for me. The truth in His words stung. I wanted to make an excuse—something to remove the bitter truth. But His words hung between us. I knew it was a turning point.
I could either accept His truth or deny it. While my mind wants to make more choices, it’s one or the other. With God’s truth, there aren’t any gray areas. It’s yes or no. Black or white. I’m following God or not.
Once God showed me my problem, He offered me a solution, and then He told me something I hope never to forget: You get to decide how long it takes.
I didn’t say anything else on our walk. I silently walked while God’s words swirled in my mind. Sometimes, I struggle to digest what God shows and tells me. I fight against His will every time I choose my own.
It reminds me of my healing journey. I asked God numerous times what I needed to do to heal my body, and yet I ignored his answer. God told me and dismissed what He told me. I suffered longer than required because I disregarded God’s wisdom. God told me the solution, and I held onto my beliefs and kept my problem.
While I know how ridiculous all that sounds, I mean, why would anyone keep their problem when God spelled out the solution? I didn’t intentionally mean to do it, but that’s just what happens when we ignore the guidance of the Lord.
We drown in our misery. And, we think that we are waiting on God to do His part. We believe He is the One who is tarrying, but it’s us.
God shows us what to do, but He doesn’t do it for us. That’s where our freedom to choose comes in. God allows us to choose the blessing or the pain. As sad as it sounds, most of the time, we choose the pain.
We choose the pain when we ignore the small, still voice of guidance.
We keep the pain when we know what we need to do but refuse to do it.
But there’s a better way.
Obedience to God is the formula for overcoming pain. When we do what God instructs us to do, we overcome the pain or enemy that tries to destroy us.
God doesn’t give us impossible desires. But it’s only possible through Him.
Luke 18:27 KJV
27 And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

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