The enemy is in the comfort zone
- By candidasullivan
- June 28, 2024
- No Comments
Satan has been trying to destroy me since God created me. He attacked me before I was born and tried to steal my life. Every day, I’m truly thankful that God wouldn’t allow the enemy to destroy me. But Satan doesn’t give up. He continues to attack and try to hurt me.
While he can aggravate and hurt my flesh, the enemy can’t touch my soul. It’s hidden in Christ. God put me in the rock when I got saved and covered me. Reading these scriptures this morning reminded me of what it means to know the Lord and be His child.
Psalm 18:2 KJV
2 The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Oh, yes, He is. My God is everything I need.
The enemy wants to worry us to death and cause us all kinds of trouble. In my strength, I can’t fight him, but when I cry out to God, my Father intercedes on my behalf. If we only knew the true power of God, we would never worry again.
Sweet friends, I have a massive list of all the trials God has brought me through. Right now, He is calling me to do things differently and be open to reaching more people. My flesh wants to run. God wants me to share more of my life and mindset on social media. It makes me want to throw up. I feel so uncomfortable. A part of me wants to delete all my social media and retreat into my comfort zone.
But another part of me is open to the work God wants me to do. I know how dangerous a comfort zone can really be. I remember making my life so small by avoiding things that scared me that I became afraid of living. I was terrified to drive, be in crowds, and share my writing with anyone. I got up several times at night to ensure my loved ones were okay.
I locked myself in a prison of worry and fear and lived there every day. The enemy is in the comfort zone. He makes us weaker so he can control us.

But God.
He showed me how to break free and what it means to stand in His strength. Everything I was able to do, despite the fear, strengthened me and gave me a testimony of overcoming. I did all of it, afraid at first, but I stepped out in faith and trusted God to help me.
Recently, I felt the familiar wave of panic and fear wash over me. I felt myself start to spiral, but God spoke to me amid the panic. He said, “Do you trust me?” When I said yes, He told me to trust Him to take care of it.
We can’t trust God and worry at the same time. When I gave God my fear and trusted Him with it, He gave me His sweet peace.
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