Lessons On Giving

Recently, fires blazed through one of our neighboring towns. The fires destroyed homes, businesses, and took the lives of some. While it was not close enough to impact us, the devastation still affected us and broke our hearts. 

My children watched it on the news with me and we talked about it. Their school district decided to reach out to the community and take up money for the affected children. What a wonderful lesson! In a world where there is violence and tragedy, it is so wonderful that there are still communities where people help people—and that they teach that kindness to our children. 

Growing up, I watched my parents give selflessly to others. If someone knocked on our door in the middle of the night and needed help, my parents helped them. Every time that various situations happened I was moved by their love and compassion for others. It made a difference in my life. From a very young age, they instilled the value of helping someone else inside of me. Now when it’s my turn to show that same kindness to others, it feels natural to me. 

It feels so amazing when God blesses us to have enough to give to someone else. That is what we should strive for. And what we should teach our children. Our lives should never be just about us. Every day we should wake up and ask God how we can serve someone else. 

Love and blessings, 


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