God’s Little Ones
- By candidasullivan
- April 8, 2011
- No Comments
From the moment I felt the first flutters of life, I loved my children. I will never forget the first time I held each of my boys in my arms. I was overcome with love and joy and so thankful God blessed me to be their mommy. As I gazed down at my bundle of wonderfulness, so many hopes and dreams for their future flashed through my mind, but there was one thought that overpowered all of the rest— I desired for them to be saved one day.
I knew God had blessed me tremendously with the gift of motherhood and I wanted to succeed. However, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I didn’t know what brands of diapers or lotions to buy. How many times I should burp them or if I should let them cry, occasionally. I wished, so often, for an instruction manual that would tell me step by step instruction on how to be a great mom.
Sometimes I think I worried so much about doing everything exactly right that I forgot to hold my little ones just for the sake of holding them and enjoy those moments. I didn’t want them to hurt or cry. I didn’t want them to ever suffer. But when it comes right down to it, I’m powerless to stop them from heartaches and pain. And when I think about it, why would I want to?
Without heartaches we wouldn’t be humble or compassionate. Without disappointments we would never appreciate the good times. Without failures we couldn’t truly appreciate the ability to succeed.
Somewhere along the way I realized I will never be a perfect mom. I won’t always do things exactly right. I won’t always know all of the answers to their questions. My magic spit won’t always wash away the hurt of their boo-boos. I won’t always be able to comfort them or make them feel better. I won’t always know what is best for them. On some levels I will fail my children, but God never will. And that is the most important thing I can ever teach them—about my God.
Since children are our reflection and often mimic our behavior, it is my job to set positive examples for them and set them up some stones for their future. It’s not enough to tell them what to do, I need to show them.
I need to show them about kindness and forgiveness. I need to show them how to find the good in every situation. I need to show them how to look for the good in everyone. I need to show them about obedience and discipline. I need to show them how to love unconditionally. But most of all, I need to show them how important it is to go to church every Sunday and serve the Lord.
Looking back on my life, I realize that’s exactly what my parents did for me. They took me to church and taught me morals and values. They taught me if I didn’t have something nice to say, then to keep my mouth closed. They gave me kindness and forgiveness and so much love it surrounded me. They taught me to give and to love without restrictions. They punished me when I needed it and held me when I needed that, too. And every Sunday morning that we walked through the church house doors, they proved their love to me.
We are given a great instruction manual for our lives—The Bible. Everything that we could possibly face has already happened and is recorded inside. God gave us examples in the scriptures for every problem and Grace for every need.
We are living in a time of uncertainty and trouble. Sometimes I worry that I’m raising my kids in these awful times, but then I realize God is still the same. Regardless of how this world changes, God never will. He’s the same today as He was yesterday. He’s a God that changes not.
While I can’t save my children, it’s my job to take them to church where they can hear the gospel and receive the invitation of eternal life. It’s my job to pray for them. And when they get saved, then they will have everything they will ever need in this life—God.
He will watch over them and protect them. He will be the voice inside their head to let them know they’re doing wrong. He will comfort them and supply all of their needs.
Little children need to go to church just as much as adults. They need to be taught about God and feel His love and peace. They know the voice of the Lord and they feel His spirit. I’ve seen them stop crying or playing and just stand still.
But the most precious thing I have ever seen is little children who walk or ride their bikes to church. They leave their mommy and daddy at home and come to church alone. Sometimes they linger at the door because they’re afraid to go inside. They’ve never been to church and don’t know what to expect. However, they’re drawn to it because they know the church has something they need.
Every time I see one of the little ones walk inside I’m humbled, it reminds God has a way of getting His word out. He has all power in Heaven and on Earth. I’m so thankful we are all just God’s little ones.
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