God is our help

God dwells in our hearts. The same love, strength, joy, peace, wisdom, and knowledge that Jesus has inside of His heart, is inside of us. We have the mind of Christ. When we get saved, God gives us this beautiful gift. Our salvation is so much more than just going to Heaven one day. We can enjoy the beauty of God’s gift right now.

I am not sure why this truth is so hard for me to understand. While my flesh does sin, my heart is as pure as God. At any time, we can seek His infinite love and wisdom to help us. God is always with us. We are connected to Him. And His love for us is greater than anything that we can even imagine.

Therefore, when sudden fear comes upon us, we need to cry out to God. We need to take our problems, doubts, and fears to Him. God has the ability to help us with whatever we are struggling with. Being able to talk to Him about our hardships is such a beautiful gift.

Today, we can choose to be distracted by the things of the world or we can center our hearts and mind on God. The same love that held Jesus on the cross is inside of us. We are the light of the world. God put us here to do His work. Let’s use our precious gifts to help others and to make a difference in this world.

When we become discouraged or fearful, we just need to remember that God, in His infinite wisdom created the world, therefore He has the wisdom to help us.


Photo by Amanda Phung on Unsplash

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